


In its 155th year, the Wabtec innovation engine shows no signs of letting up. 看看该公司的运输业务就知道了.

Wabtec是有福的. 根源可以追溯到西屋电气, 爱迪生, 和Faiveley, 公司约有5名员工,000 engineers literally stand on the shoulders of those engineering giants. 但历史对一家《迪士尼3彩乐园》500强公司的评价到此为止. What today’s Wabtec and its 交通 division share with its famous forebears is a track record of breakthrough innovation and continuous improvement.

“What I see in the recent history of innovation at Wabtec 交通 is an ability to produce both ‘big bang’ technological advancements that move our industry and incremental improvements across a wide range of systems and components that continually benefit transit rail operators and builders around the world,Paolo Pagliero说, 副总统, 负责Wabtec的运输业务. 



这些创新, 无论大小, are shaped by what Pagliero sees as three constants that ground ‘invention’ in practical delivery:

  1. 少花钱多办事:提供高级功能, 安全可靠, in less space using less weight – which is critical in the transit industry.
  2. 降低作业者的总生命周期成本:确保创新延长产品寿命,降低服务成本.
  3. 减少对环境的影响:尽可能减少排放,提高可持续性.

“这是三巨头,”帕格列罗总结道. “交通 innovation must check some or all these boxes to meet customer needs and make a lasting impact.”

在过去的20年里, Wabtec 交通在这些参数范围内进行了创新, 在其广泛的产品线中不断挑战极限, 从刹车, 门, 暖通空调系统到受电弓, 乘客信息系统, 和耦合器, 满足行业需求,传递客户价值. 以下是一些影响了整个行业的例子. 


Of all the systems in transit rail, the one a manufacturer must get right is the brakes. 没有其他功能能与乘客安全相提并论. 所以当工程师团队吃饭的时候, 喝, 睡眠制动系统, 想办法把它们变小, 更轻的, 操作和维护成本更低, and more environmentally friendly – they must do so without sacrificing safety.

Regioflexx is the next-generation of high-performance braking systems for regional and high-speed rail.

Wabtec 交通 engineers met this challenge with the Metroflexx and Reggioflexx brake systems for mass-transit and regional/high-speed rail, 分别. 重大突破? 软件和增材制造.

Wabtec replaced some pneumatic components that performed safety-critical functions within the brake systems with software emulation that retained the same safety level. The result: components that are no longer ‘physical’ products and therefore generate no cost beyond development and validation; weigh nothing; have no installation constraints; and require no maintenance. 进一步推进, Wabtec adopted additive manufacturing techniques to produce the remaining pneumatic parts, 进一步降低重量和服务成本.

Wabtec’s Metroflexx and Reggioflexx integrated brake control system are models of efficiency. 他们装了备用制动器, 紧急刹车, 车轮滑动保护, 与列车控制与管理系统(TCMS)通信, 先进的诊断功能, 包括基于状态的维护, 变成一个轻量级的, 优雅的设计. These sustainability-infused design features reduce the trains overall weight, 哪一种有助于提高整体燃油效率, while also providing the energy required to support brake functionality.

“Metroflexx and Reggioflexx represented a major breakthrough in brake systems,” reflects Pagliero. “Wabtec effectively evolved brake systems from electromechanical components to software machines, 这带来了许多好处, 包括优化刹车使用, 生活, 维护间隔.” 




A transit train’s brakes might not be the first thing passengers think of when pondering sustainability. Some particulate matter sheds when a brake pad comes into contact with the metal of a train’s wheels or discs.

Even as modern transit trains have shifted towards electrodynamic braking, the long 生活span of legacy fleets still using friction brakes makes solving the micro-particle issue a pressing concern. 在回应, Wabtec 交通 engineers made a breakthrough in friction-brake materials that dramatically reduces brake emissions. Wabtec’s Green Friction product already has demonstrated about a 90% reduction in microparticles in rigorous field testing with Paris public transport operator RATP.


Wabtec received a sustainability award from Deutsche Bahn for its Green Air 暖通空调 solution at Innotrans in 2022.

在越来越热的天气里保持凉爽对通勤者来说是必须的, but refrigerants used in air-conditioning systems are contributors to global warming. 然而,, 许多人可能认为这是一个棘手的问题, Wabtec 交通 engineers embraced the challenge and found a workable solution using the refrigerant R290, 铁路行业首创.

今天, Wabtec 交通’s Green Air solution is being adopted by leading OEMs for new builds, and the company is hard at work to make cost-effective retrofits possible for legacy trains to keep cool sustainably.

This sustainability focus is also front and center in Wabtec’s patented solution FreshAir®, which automatically optimizes the amount of external fresh air introduced into transit trains in  proportion to actual passenger occupancy. 有效的加热和冷却模式, FreshAir enables 交通 operators to reduce 暖通空调 energy consumption by up to 30%. 因为暖通空调是火车上的第二大电力消耗者, 其中很大一部分与新鲜空气处理有关, 这一创新标志着一个真正的行业突破.



Whether Wabtec 交通 engineers are busy developing a revolutionary new brake or 暖通空调 system, 更清晰的显示, 或者一个打火机门, 他们的创新将伟大的梦想与实际的承诺结合在一起.


“如果我能派出一支‘梦想家’团队就好了,这对创新来说可能是极好的,帕格列罗建议道, “但我们在Wabtec的工作是平衡梦想和执行, 这样我们的客户就可以运送更多的人, 更有效地, 更可持续. 有时我们的想法是“革命性的”,’ and create a whole new category or paradigm of product or capabilities; other times our dreams result in evolutionary progress, 共同做出小小的改进, 随着时间的推移, 提供巨大的效益.”

无论是革命性的还是进化性的, 利用软件创造更智能的产品, higher- performing systems is likely the biggest opportunity ahead for Wabtec and the transit rail industry.

“今天, 如果你问我软件的角色, 机器学习, 以及人工智能在未来轨道交通中的应用, 我可以告诉你,毫无疑问,他们将改变游戏规则,帕格列罗总结道. “我们正专注于短期内的渐进式方法. 例如, an 暖通空调 system armed with software intelligence will soon be able to tell when the train 门 are open, 并采取适当的行动, not just continually push out cold air until the set temperature is reached.

“While we build in more intelligence to make transit systems and components smarter, 我们的工程师也会梦想, 和准备, 更大的人工智能驱动的创新,以改善未来的交通.”  
