Wabtec Radiation Recuperators
Wabtec Radiation Recuperators
Wabtec Radiation Recuperators
Wabtec Radiation Recuperators

High temperature heat exchangers that utilize radiation heat transfer to preheat combustion air or gas for fuel savings.

These recuperators accommodate very high-temperature, particulate-laden flue gas streams while yielding a negligible flue gas pressure drop. We offer two types of radiation recuperators:

  • TURA (TUbular RAdiation) Type
  • Stack (or Double Shell) Type


  • Glass melting furnaces
  • Fiberglass furnaces
  • 玻璃日间罐
  • Glass continuous tanks
  • Glass pot furnaces
  • 玻璃炼油厂
  • Glass forehearths
  • Ceramic 和 refractory kilns
  • Steel forge furnaces
  • Steel heat treat furnaces
  • Aluminum die cast furnaces
  • 煅烧窑

Wabtec Heat Transfer & Heat Energy Solutions