
Freight, Heavy Haul, Commuter, Light Rail, High Speed Trains

交钥匙设计, 构建, 安装, 和 commissioning of both conventional CTC 和 new 基于通信的列车控制(CBTC) 和 PTC systems

Wabtec is a global leader in providing complete 交钥匙解决方案 that comprise design, 构建, 安装, 和 commissioning of Centralized Traffic Control (CTC), 基于通信的列车控制(CBTC), 和PTC系统.

Wabtec’s 交钥匙解决方案 are designed to meet the specific needs of each customer 和 may include the following services:

  • 项目管理
  • 咨询服务
  • 系统/跟踪调查
  • 开发需求规格说明
  • 系统应用设计
  • Application programming of microprocessor based interlockings
  • 信号 和 communications systems design testing 和 lab validation
  • 硬件采购
  • 信号室和外壳的接线和测试
  • 现场安装
  • 现场测试和调试
  • 维修人员培训和辅助操作
  • 配置管理软件工具
  • PTC跟踪数据库创建和验证服务

服务 provided range from individual design tasks to turnkey design, 构建, 安装, 和 commissioning of both conventional CTC 和 new 基于通信的列车控制(CBTC) 和 PTC systems. Communications design services include voice 和 data radio communications networks, as well as the support of microwave 和/or fiber backbone networks.




Wabtec can provide turnkey integrated train control systems, 解决车载, 路旁, 办公室, 以及通信网络要求. These use common 构建ing blocks from I-ETMS 和 TMDS product lines, with customized 应用工程 to meet unique customer requirements. I-ETMS is intended to be implemented across a broad spectrum of railroads 和 individual railroads can customize this system by adopting different variables that reflect individual railroad operations.
新的I-ETMS系统, as “st和alone configurations” provide the opportunity to reduce the level of conventional 路旁 signal system hardware required. 在基本情况下, there is still the need for control of power switch machines 和 interface to defect detector systems, 但路边信号可以最小化.  This generally places more emphasis on the communications networks as needed to support reliable train operations.

I-ETMS应用于满足美国.S. FRA PTC requirements include the following core functions:

  • Prevent Train-to-Train Collisions:  Enforcement of signals 和 track warrants (non-signal territory movement authorities)
  • Enforce Speed Limits:  信号, civil, permanent, 和 temporary speed limits.
  • Protect Work Zones:  Track maintenance worker 和 vehicle track 和 time protection.
  • Switch in Wrong Position:  Monitor switch positions in both signal 和 non-signal territory.
  • I-ETMS can be applied as overlay to existing signal systems, or as a st和alone control system for lines without 路旁 signal systems.


See how Communications Based 列车控制 designed by Wabtec is a vital technology to make trains safer 和 more efficient.


支持ing PTC implementation plans for all 一级铁路

Wabtec is supporting PTC implementation plans for all 一级铁路:  BNSF, 联合太平洋铁路, CSX公司, 南诺弗克, 加拿大国家, CP铁路, 和堪萨斯城南部. 一级铁路是它们自己的系统集成商, 和 purchase products 和 sub-systems from different suppliers to support their implementation plans. Sub-systems 和 services being provided by Wabtec to 一级铁路 include:

  • ETMS 迪士尼3彩乐园 Systems: All 一级铁路 are already receiving locomotive kits, 他们大多在自己的店里安装, 在Wabtec全球服务的培训支持下. 在16,已提供了000套系统, 总共超过23个,000计划满足联邦铁路局PTC的要求. 大多数套件还包括PTC事件记录器. The 一级铁路 are directly procuring the data radios. 通勤铁路通常购买完整的系统, 包括数据无线电和安装服务.
  • PTC Back Office Servers:  The PTC BOS is being provided with interfaces to existing dispatch 办公室 systems. Wabtec的PTC BOS客户包括联合太平洋公司, 诺福克南方, CSX公司, 阿拉斯加铁路, MetroLink(南加州), 以及其他通勤铁路.
  • Track Database Tools:  All 一级铁路 are using “Wabtrax” software to create 和 validate PTC track databases. Wabtec is also 供应ing “Hy-Rail” ETMS kits to support field validation of the track database 和 signal system applications.
  • TMDS Office Systems:  Additions are provided to support PTC in Wabtec supplied dispatch 办公室s.
  • Wayside 信号 Design:  Engineering services are provided to the 一级铁路 to support survey, 改造设计方案, 应用工程, 和 testing for addition of PTC “Wayside Interface Units” (WIU’s) to existing 路旁 signal systems.


MRS Logistica(巴西)CBTC项目

MRS Logistica是1,000 mile privately owned freight railway in southeastern 巴西, 除普通运费外,哪一种运输铁矿石, 拥有500辆迪士尼3彩乐园. MRS于2010年与Wabtec签订了交钥匙设计合同, 供应, 和 安装 of a 基于通信的列车控制(CBTC) system, 重点是提高容量和安全性.

Wabtec系统集成Fastracks Eagle P3项目
丹佛运输合作伙伴Fastracks Eagle P3项目

Denver is 构建ing a new electrified commuter rail system, 作为其“快车道”铁路扩建计划的一部分, based upon a “Public-Private 合作伙伴ship” (P3) agreement with Denver 交通 合作伙伴s (DTP). The DTP group is headed by Fluor 和 Balfour Beatty 和 has responsibility for design 和 构建ing the complete system, 包括跟踪, 站, 维修设施, 控制办公室, 和车辆. In addition, DTP will operate 和 maintain the new system for 30 years. The system includes about 40 miles of double track, with 66 EMU’s from Hyundai-Rotem.




(904) 596-1237 / (904) 421-4066



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